Source code for easycore.common.config.config

import re
import copy as cp
import yaml
import io
from ast import literal_eval

[docs]class CfgNode(dict): """ Config Node """ __FROZEN_KEY__ = '__frozen__'
[docs] def __init__(self, init_dict:dict=None, copy=True): """ Args: init_dict (dict): a possibly-nested dictionary to initialize the CfgNode. copy (bool): if this option is set to False, the CfgNode instance will share the value with the `init_dict`, otherwise the contents of `init_dict` will be deepcopied. """ if copy: init_dict = cp.deepcopy(init_dict) if init_dict is None: init_dict = {} init_dict = CfgNode._create_config_from_dict(init_dict) super(CfgNode, self).__init__(init_dict) self.__dict__[CfgNode.__FROZEN_KEY__] = False
@classmethod def _create_config_from_dict(cls, in_dict): """ Create a config tree from a possible nested dictionary. Note: this method will share variables with `in_dict` and modify `in_dict`. Args: in_dict (dict): Returns: dict: a dict whose nested dictionaries are all replaced with CfgNode. """ for key, value in in_dict.items(): # check key if not isinstance(key, str): raise KeyError("each key of the input dictionary must be `str` type.") if not cls._check_name_valid(key): raise KeyError("key in the input dictionary must be a vaild python variable name.") # process value in_dict[key] = cls._decode_value(value) return in_dict @classmethod def _check_name_valid(cls, name): """ Check whether the name satisfies the named rule of python variable. Args: name (str): Returns: bool: whether the name is a valid python variable name. """ return re.match("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*", name) is not None @classmethod def _decode_value(cls, value): """ Decode the value into CfgNode, str or other possible type. Args: value (Any): Returns: Any """ if isinstance(value, dict): value = cls(init_dict=value, copy=False) elif isinstance(value, str): try: value = literal_eval(value) except(ValueError, SyntaxError): pass return value
[docs] def freeze(self, frozen:bool=True): """ freeze or unfreeze the CfgNode and all of its children Args: frozen (bool): freeze or unfreeze the config """ self.__dict__[CfgNode.__FROZEN_KEY__] = frozen for value in self.values(): if isinstance(value, CfgNode): value.freeze(frozen)
[docs] def is_frozen(self): """ get the state of the config. Returns: bool: whether the config tree is frozen. """ return self.__dict__[CfgNode.__FROZEN_KEY__]
def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self: return self[name] else: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if self.is_frozen(): raise AttributeError("Attempted to set {} to {}, but the CfgNode is frozen.".format(name, value)) self[name] = value def __delattr__(self, name): if name in self: del self[name] else: raise AttributeError(name) def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, super(CfgNode, self).__repr__())
[docs] def copy(self): """ deepcopy this CfgNode Returns: CfgNode: """ return cp.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def merge(self, cfg): """ merge another CfgNode into this CfgNode, the another CfgNode will override this CfgNode. Args: cfg (CfgNode): """ if self.is_frozen(): raise Exception("Attempted to merge another CfgNode to this CfgNode, but this CfgNode is frozen.") cfg = cfg.copy() for key, value in cfg.items(): if key not in self: self[key] = value elif self[key] != value: if isinstance(self[key], CfgNode) and isinstance(value, CfgNode): self[key].merge(value) else: self[key] = value
[docs] def save(self, save_path, encoding='utf-8'): """ save the CfgNode into a yaml file Args: save_path: """ with open(save_path, 'w', encoding=encoding) as f: CfgNode.dump(self, stream=f, encoding=encoding)
@classmethod def _load_cfg_from_yaml_str(cls, yaml_str): """ load a CfgNode from a string of yaml format Args: yaml_str (str): a string of yaml format Returns: CfgNode: """ cfg_dict = yaml.load(yaml_str, Loader=yaml.UnsafeLoader) return cls(cfg_dict) @classmethod def _load_cfg_from_yaml_file(cls, yaml_file): """ load a CfgNode from a yaml file object Args: yaml_file (io.IOBase): Returns: CfgNode: """ return cls._load_cfg_from_yaml_str(
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, file, encoding='utf-8'): """ load a CfgNode from file. Args: file (io.IOBase or str): file object or path to the yaml file. encoding (str): Returns: CfgNode: """ if isinstance(file, str): with open(file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: return cls._load_cfg_from_yaml_file(f) elif isinstance(file, io.IOBase): return cls._load_cfg_from_yaml_file(file) else: raise TypeError("Expect a file object or str object, but got a {}".format(type(file)))
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, yaml_str:str): """ load a CfgNode from a string of yaml format Args: yaml_str (str): Returns: CfgNode: """ return cls._load_cfg_from_yaml_str(yaml_str)
@classmethod def _convert_cfg_to_dict(cls, cfg): """ convert a CfgNode to pure dict Args: cfg (CfgNode): Returns: dict: """ out_dict = {} for key, value in cfg.items(): if isinstance(value, cls): out_dict[key] = cls._convert_cfg_to_dict(value) else: out_dict[key] = value return out_dict
[docs] @classmethod def dump(cls, cfg, stream=None, encoding=None, **kwargs): """ dump CfgNode into yaml str or yaml file Note: if `stream` option is set to non-None object, the CfgNode will be dumpped into stream and return None, if `stream` option is not given or set to None, return a string instead. Args: cfg (CfgNode): stream (io.IOBase or None): if set to a file object, the CfgNode will be dumpped into stream and return None, if set to None, return a string instead. encoding (str or None): **kwargs: options of the yaml dumper. \n Some useful options: ["allow_unicode", "line_break", "explicit_start", "explicit_end", "version", "tags"]. \n See more details at Returns: None or str: """ cfg_dict = CfgNode._convert_cfg_to_dict(cfg) return yaml.dump(cfg_dict, stream=stream, encoding=encoding, **kwargs)
[docs] def dict(self): """ convert to a dict Returns: dict: """ return CfgNode._convert_cfg_to_dict(self)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Returns: str: a str of dict format """ return str(self.dict())